Help for those in need often is behind the scenes

Help for those in need often is behind the scenes

Some might be surprised to learn the community foundation helps community members in other ways less visible. For example, the community foundation recently awarded a grant to the New Albany Food Pantry. 

Delivery vehicle on pantry’s wish list

Delivery vehicle on pantry’s wish list

The New Albany Food Pantry is seeking a $90,000 grant from Kiwanis International to purchase and equip a delivery vehicle to reach clients in the area

Permanent home sought for food pantry

Permanent home sought for food pantry

The New Albany Food Pantry, a New Albany nonprofit organization that is collecting and distributing food to residents in need, is searching for a permanent home in the city it serves.

Food for Thought

Food for Thought

I've heard it during meetings from upper management in large corporations in the central Ohio area when seeking funds for particular projects. Everyone knows New Albany does not have the problems that other communities face!” Really?