This is the start of something good.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Food Pantry volunteer. Please visit our VolunteerHub page to view and register for available volunteer opportunities. You will need to create an account if you haven’t done so already. We look forward to working together to support our neighbors in need.

For additional questions, please email

Volunteer options include but are not limited to:

Open Pantry - Assist and interact with families as they shop the pantry.

Pantry Stocking and Sorting - Help us get the Pantry ready for clients by sorting and organizing food and personal care items.

Food Pick Ups - Pick up food and other items donated from local businesses and deliver them to the Pantry. We rely on the generosity of many local companies including Target, Whole Foods, Fox in the Snow, Kroger and more. 

Mid-Ohio Foodbank Pick Ups - MOFB receives and stores large donations of food from the food industry and distributes it to member organizations, such as the NAFP. Volunteers are needed to pick up bread, milk and produce.

Conversation Partners - The New Albany Food Pantry is initiating a new program called Conversation Partners. Conversation Partners is a program that matches English speaking volunteers with English Language Learners (ELL) from our pantry community. The ELL partners have sufficient basic English to converse. In addition to assisting new residents to become linguistically self-sufficient, the program provides a potential friend with whom all manners of topics can be discussed. Both partners have the opportunity to learn about each other’s culture & life experiences, and there is no fee to participate. Click to read more.