Each month, the New Albany Food Pantry likes to shine a spotlight on donors, partners, & volunteers.

This month we shine our spotlight on The Rotary Club of New Albany.

Rotary Club of New Albany.jpg

What compelled you to donate or get more involved with the Food Pantry? What personal significance does it have to you? Do you have a personal connection to our mission? *

The Rotary Club of New Albany was approached by the Tri-Village Rotary Club to see if our local food pantry would like to be the recipient of their annual food drive donations. The Tri-Village Rotary Club holds an annual food drive for the Heart-to-Heart Food Pantry, but due to a social media post going viral, saying their shelves were bare (and then they were full!), they did not have enough room to accept the food from the donation drive. We were able to turn the food drive into a friendly club vs. club competition and with the help of our friends and neighbors in the community (special thanks to McClelland's Taekwondo Academy and Big Lots Foundation), in the end the food pantry was the winner! During the pandemic the Rotary Club of New Albany was able to repurpose our 2020 March Madness Fundraiser and donate the funds to the New Albany Food Pantry to help out the members in our community. Part of Rotary International's mission is to "provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace" through partnering with the New Albany Food pantry the Rotary Club of New Albany is able to live out the Rotary International mission!

What’s the earliest memory you have of getting involved with a charity? Is being involved in charitable causes an important part of your life, and if so, how?

The Rotary Club of New Albany is passionate about service! In a sense, that is what Rotary is all about. Our club, with about 25 members, participates in multiple service projects throughout the year. We are always looking for ways to help in our community!

We at the pantry are so grateful for the time & effort the Rotary Club has put into supporting our mission to food insecurity in the New Albany area.

To learn more about the Rotary Club click here.