This week we are shining our spotlight on New Albany High School student, Virang Desai.

Last year, Virang reached out to the NAFP to inquire about an idea he had to raise money to help pantry clients purchase birthday presents. We loved the idea!

Virang's Project Gratitude (aka Birthday Club) has officially kicked off and we are so excited. Here's what Virang had to share with us about this project.

NAFP: What compelled you to donate or get more involved with the Food Pantry? What personal significance does it have to you? Do you have a personal connection to our mission?

Virang: Every time I traveled to India, I volunteered for my grandfather’s non-profit organization which involved giving bags of food to the impoverished. Here, I realized my privileges and the importance of giving. I also volunteered at Riverside Methodist Hospital where I re-stocked pillows, greeted visitors, and conversed with patients. Here, I learned the significance of service. Both experiences have led me to learn the importance of gratitude and giving back and getting involved with the Food Pantry has allowed me to do exactly that.

Birthday Club Flyer.PNG

NAFP: What’s the earliest memory you have of getting involved with a charity? Is being involved in charitable causes an important part of your life, and if so, how?

Virang: Volunteering with my grandfather at his non-profit organization, 'Ram Roti', 4 years ago was one of the first times I was involved with a charity. I believe that being able to give to the unfortunate and contribute to a greater cause in the community is a crucial part of my life. As I continue my educational endeavor, I want to be able to continue giving back, and I believe being involved with the Food Pantry will allow me to successfully embark on my journey of gratitude.

Virang’s generosity and thoughtfulness in spearheading this effort has been admirable. We are so grateful for his support!

If you would like to Donate to the Birthday Club, please click here.

**Be sure to make a note on your PayPal donation that it is intended for "Food Pantry Birthday Club".